Kwara Concession
A pangolin and an aardwolf were the stars of this month. These shy and nocturnal creatures are hardly ever seen, and there are guides and trackers who still only saw their tracks, but never the actual animal. Some of them having worked in the bush for many years. What was even more unusual is that the pangolin sighting happened during daylight hours. I do hope that everybody got a picture…..
A Pangolin and a Aardwolf
A big python was also seen. The length was about 4m long, which is rather impressive. Guests ask often in camp about encounter snakes, and we see them only very rarely. Especially a python that size is very much a rarity. Snakes being shy in nature, try to keep out of our ways, and generally are only seen when they don’t have an escape route.
Breeding herds of elephants are moving back into the area, to the delight of everybody. Still not much to see of the buffalos, but they are normally not far behind the elephants. Impala, kudus, zebras, tsessebe, giraffes and wildebeests, plus all the birds rounded the sighting up.
From the lions only one thing for this time. The magnificent seven were seen all together this month, and heard during the night. What a concert!
Info and reservations for Kwara please contact bernard
You need more info on "Pangolin" check that link... Pangolin